Beautiful Business
Gay Hendricks: The Genius of Creativity and Love
Episode Notes
In this episode, Steven Morris and Gay Hendricks discuss:
- Living to inspire others to live their best life
- Breaking through your upper limit
- Loving yourself and loving others
- Making relationships work
Key Takeaways:
- The great joy of life is being able to do what you most love to do while you’re doing things that inspire other people to do what they want to do
- Recognize your upper limit - know what you or someone or some event done to your perception of how far you can go and enter your zone of creative genius.
- Feeling burnt out? Ask yourself what it is that you really love to do. Start 10 minutes a day doing what you most love to do.
- You can’t give what you don’t have and in the same way, the more love you have for yourself, the more you could give to others.
- A cycle of blaming and victimhood does not solve anything or benefit anyone. Cultivate a relationship of trust, responsibility, and creativity.
"There’s this one quotation that I find so inspiring: ‘if you bring forth, what is within you, what is within you will save you’. To me that’s the essence of bringing forth your genius because it has health benefits and wealth benefits." — Gay Hendricks
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